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The Officers

Anne Hurler,

Anne Hurler works in the financial services industry in corporate risk governance. She joined WGANJ in 2015 to meet like-minded women who want to play golf in a supportive and fun environment. She is co-captain of a general league and has served the Board as Oversight Director and Vice President. Anne is excited to expand her leadership role as President where she can drive and execute the mission of WGANJ in an even greater capacity. “I am grateful to WGANJ for providing a foundation on which I have grown as a golfer and made friendships that I hope will last a lifetime.”

Valerie Oakes-Locascio,

Vice President

Valerie Oakes-Locascio, formerly a commercial banker specializing in trade finance, became interested in golf at the urging of her husband, John, who was an avid golfer. WGANJ fit the bill by providing a great learning experience and plenty of golfing friends. Valerie served as Finance Officer for five years on the WGANJ Board and as League Director for four years. Most recently, Valerie led WGANJ as President in 2024.  She has also served as Captain of a Paramus league and enjoys the social aspects of golf. Valerie believes that WGANJ is the perfect organization for women to learn to play golf, improve their game and make new friendships because she did just that.

Juliet Sisti,

Leagues and Education Officer

Juliet Sisti joined WGANJ in its inception year of 2003 and is a Hall of Fame member. Since then, she has served as Education Officer, Membership Officer, Co-Chair President, and currently serves as Leagues/Education Officer. Juliet was instrumental in developing the Beginners and Advanced Beginners Educational Programs. Juliet looks forward to 2024, as her committee plans to expand the education program.  Juliet and her team are looking forward to the 2025 season

Pat O'Rourke,
Finance Officer

Pat O’Rourke has recently retired after more than 40 years in the insurance industry handling various types of claims. She joined WGANJ in August of 2017 and played in Paramus as a walk-on after not playing for over 7 years. Her first time on the course resulted in a hole-in-one. She volunteered for as many events as possible and began attending the monthly meetings. She was eventually invited to join the Finance Committee. "I joined WGANJ to meet nice people, have fun and be outside. I have not been disappointed.

Karen Mazowiecki,
Operations Officer

Karen Mazowiecki joined WGANJ in 2015 as an advanced beginner and quickly began volunteering at events. In 2017 she became the co-captain and now
captains her own league each year. Realizing what a great organization WGANJ is, she joined the Board of Directors as the Communications Director in 2018 and grew into the
position of Operations Officer overseeing the website, app and email communications. In any spare time after work and golf, Karen enjoys time with her family, bicycling and doing

Terri Thompson

Logistics & Hospitality Officer

Terri Thompson joined WGANJ in 2021 and quickly became involved as our Hospitality Director. She looks forward to expanding her role in the organization as Officer of Logistics and Hospitality. In her spare time, Terri enjoys spending time with family and friends.

Bridget Cassidy

Events Officer

Bridget joined WGANJ in 2022 as a beginner golfer looking to meet other women with similar skills. Sharing so many laughs and good times with this group, she decided to volunteer on the events committee. Quickly taking on a larger role as a Director, Bridget soon learned just how vital volunteers are to the organization in creating and executing so many successful events, ensuring fun times and great experiences for the members of WGANJ. Bridget is always seeking out new people to join the Events Committee. When not on the golf course, Bridget loves visiting her two children and spending time with their “fur” babies, or just relaxing with a good book at the Jersey Shore. With over 40 years working in education, Bridget is currently an educational consultant specializing in dyslexia. She works with teachers to help them find different ways to meet their students’ literacy needs.

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