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WGANJ is dedicated to providing the best golfing opportunities in New Jersey to women at all levels of play. WGANJ is committed to continually offering and enhancing member golfing opportunities and benefits through value-added corporate, association, community and other relationships to promote women's golf in New Jersey. 


Special Early Birdie pricing ends February 15th.

Beginner and Advanced Beginner Programs

Looking to learn the game of golf? WGANJ offers opportunities throughout the season to learn and improve your game.  Not quite ready to invest in equipment? Clubs may be borrowed through the WGANJ ‘Club Loaner Program’.  Beginner and advanced beginner leagues include lessons with golf professionals. A special end of season outing is provided for beginners and advanced beginners to celebrate their golf journey.

Indoor Leagues

WGANJ offers fall and winter Indoor leagues using golf simulators allowing you to keep your skills fresh and maintain connections with fellow WGANJ members.

Outdoor Leagues

On course golf leagues are offered at a variety of courses throughout Bergen, Essex, Hudson, Middlesex, Morris, Ocean, Passaic, Somerset, and Union Counties in New Jersey, and Orange County in New York.

Leagues begin in May and run through the summer.  Can’t fully commit to a weekly league? There are opportunities to play as a substitute. 

League Offerings

  • Over 35 leagues offered across 7 counties (Bergen, Morris, Union, Essex, Rockland NY, Passaic and Monmouth)
  • Leagues for all skill levels: Beginner, Advanced Beginner, General, Intermediate, Advanced travel league
  • 20+ leagues start in the evening between 4:00pm and 6:00pm
  • Morning league available on Monday and Friday 
  • Leagues available Monday through Friday, with 5-6 courses offered each day
  • Variety of general leagues at popular courses like Paramus, Galloping Hill, and Orchard Hills
  • Specialized leagues for beginner and advanced beginners leagues at Paramus, Twin Willows, Rock Spring, Spook Rock, Galloping Hill, Preakness Valley and Knoll
  • Daytime and weekend travel leagues 


WGANJ offers several themed golf outings throughout the year including ‘Hit the Links’, ‘Member-Guest’, ‘Scrambleween’, ‘The Mulligan’ and ‘End of Season’.   


Join WGANJ on overnight golf trips to fun locations such as Delaware, Atlantic City, the Poconos and more.


WGANJ members who maintain an active GHIN handicap can participate in ‘The Cup’, the premier WGANJ competition event held each fall.

Holiday Party

Celebrate the holiday season with the quintessential ‘ladies night out’. Dress up and dance the night away with all your WGANJ friends.

And More !!

  • WGANJ offers many fun ways to celebrate and enjoy the game of golf including, but not limited to:

  • League games/contests including the spirited and patriotic ‘Red, White and Blue’ themed event
  • The WGANJ ‘Pin Program’ where pins are awarded for achieving milestones
  • Education opportunities and clinics with golf professionals
  • A ‘Members Only’ Facebook page to share experiences and photos with fellow WGANJ members

Click here to see more benefits

WGANJ Sponsors

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